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Cyber Security Solutions

Stop hackers in their tracks

Manage Threats Before They Become Tragedies

Cybersecurity is a major concern for businesses and organizations today. The threat of the clever, overzealous hacker looking to cause mischief has been overshadowed by organized criminal groups and rogue nations out to steal information, hijack systems and extort money. Klos Consulting has the cybersecurity expertise to implement and maintain a scaled security program that protects you from constantly evolving online threats that comply with government and industry regulations.

Klos Consulting Cyber Security Solutions

You have a responsibility to your employees, clients and customers to deploy the most efficient and cost-effective cybersecurity measures possible—let Klos Consulting help.

Get world-class IT security management services.

Computer & Network Security

The threat presented by cyber criminals continues to grow. Klos Consulting gets in front of potential threats, ensuring you are up-to-date with the today’s industry standards.

Backup & Recovery Solutions

Pair cybersecurity solutions with backup and disaster recovery for added peace-of-mind. Klos Consulting ensures your valuable company information is backed-up and safeguarded.